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Davis Cup winners received by Mattarella. Malagò: “We celebrate a special triumph”


World champions at the Quirinale to celebrate a historic success. President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella received the national tennis team that won the Davis Cup on 26 November (photo Quirinale).

They were Matteo Arnaldi, Simone Bolelli, Lorenzo Musetti, Jannik Sinner, Lorenzo Sonego, Andrea Vavassori, Matteo Berrettini (who could not take to the court due to injury) and captain Filippo Volandri, accompanied to the Quirinale by CONI President Giovanni Malagò, CONI General Secretary Carlo Mornati and Italian Tennis and Padel Federation President Angelo Binaghi. Also present were Minister for Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi and Italian and international tennis legend Nicola Pietrangeli.

The first to take the floor was CONI President Giovanni Malagò, who, after thanking President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, said: “This meeting in the home of the Italians is becoming a beautiful custom for the world of sport. It is thanks to the sensitivity, closeness and involvement of President Mattarella in the world of sport itself and the opportunities created by our athletes. In this case we are celebrating something very important, something special. And in the meantime, in Gangwon, for the first time in history since the modern Games have existed, Italy topped the medals table at the Youth Winter Olympics. This result fills us with pride and bodes well for Milano Cortina 2026. Here, among these young men, is Jannik Sinner, who was also such a brilliant star in singles with his triumph at the Australian Open. These athletes with skill, simplicity and style have made us even more proud to be Italian. In July 2021, as well as with the national football team fresh from winning the European Championships, I was here with Matteo Berrettini, a Wimbledon finalist. This time we are celebrating a team success: behind it lies the great work by women, men, coaches, managers and the Federation. I remember well when the Davis Cup national team was in the third tier: the Italian National Olympic Committee acknowledges and gives credit for the journey made. Moreover, we are in an Olympic year. It was in Paris in 1924 that Italy won its only medal in tennis, the bronze medal of Uberto De Morpurgo. We are expecting a medal, or maybe even more than one. The signs are very positive.”

Next to come were the reflections of Angelo Binaghi, FITP president: 'We have kept our promise. When we came here in 2021 with Matteo Berrettini we told President Mattarella that we would come back as winners. We did it. In such a highly individual sport like tennis, the Davis Cup is the most beautiful and fascinating competition: you fight for teammates, family, community and country. We are happy to have such straightforward, capable young men with great values.”

Representing the team with his speech was Jannik Sinner, world number 4, fresh from his Grand Slam triumph in Melbourne, where he won the Australian Open: “Being here is an honour. We are normal guys, each with our own characteristics: thanks also to Captain Volandri we have done something really great and important for the nation. I also want to give credit to Matteo Berrettini for supporting us. We won, but I think it is important above all to understand each other, to feel free on the court and to be free to laugh even when things are not going so well. This Cup win has given us so many emotions. And this year is the Olympics: each of us will try to give our best in Paris 2024 as well.”

At this point Sinner handed over a racket (complete with tricolour ribbon) to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who said to the youngsters and their captain: “Throughout the Davis Cup you showed great team spirit, with serenity and concentration even in difficult moments. You have shown unity and human values. We are grateful to you. Your encouragement has inspired numerous young people to embrace tennis, a sport that has continued to thrive, especially with the renewed enthusiasm witnessed in Australia. Congratulations to Sinner, I saw the start of the fourth set of the final against Medvedev on TV and I was sure he would win. It was truly a great success. Congratulations also to Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori for reaching the doubles final, also in Melbourne. Now there are other events, including more tournaments and the Olympics: no pressure, but we are sure you will do your best”.

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