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National Council press release

FORO5The 238th National Council of CONI met this afternoon at the Foro Italico to discuss the following agenda:


1) Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on December 18, 2014: approved unanimously.


2) President's communications: Malagò opened the proceedings by handing the Golden Star for sports merit to the journalist Tito Stagno, remembering the personalities of the sporting world that passed away during the first two months of the year and underlining the good results achieved by Italian athletes in the same period.The President then proceeded to remind the audience that the meetings of the Board and of the Council will be held in Milan for the entire duration of the EXPO 2015, along with a number of initiatives also linked to particularly relevant sporting events, intended to develop a synergy between this global event and the great family of CONI. Malagò simultaneously stressed that the Board will meet in March at CIP and on September 15 in Turin, European Capital of Sport 2015. The President then stated, regarding the ISTAT situation, that CONI is working to provide assistance to the Federations, co-operating with them to create the necessary conditions to face this year of transition in view of the binding legislative compliance. Malagò reiterated the announcement, made at the end of the previous Board meeting, regarding the appointment of Luca Cordero di Montezemolo as President of the Organizing Committee of Rome 2024, with Luca Pancalli as his Vice President, in respect of the agreement with the mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino. The Committee will be hosted in-house, located within CONI HQ, following the guidelines of the spending review, with the possibility of including a skilled female member in the team. Regarding Rio 2016, CONI is waiting for the formalization of the location of Casa Italia, while Baku will probably see the participation of about 300 athletes, with no participants for athletics, acrobatic gymnastics and sambo.

The President then recalled the importance of the agreement signed with NAS, expressing his pride for this turning point in the fight against doping shared with the government. The professionals within the bodies, previously appointed by CONI, will be from now on chosen through assessments also approved by the Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Council with Responsibility for Sports, Graziano Delrio, and the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin. Malagò also spoke about the joint board composed of Federations, Organizations and Disciplines to develop shared subjects. Finally, the President announced the signing of the new agreement between CONI and CONI Servizi, and praised the successful initiative linked to the exhibition of the Olympic Torches in Cosenza. The following people commented on the President’s repost: Alfio Giomi (Athletics), Romolo Rizzoli (Bowls), Bruno Molea (Representatives of Sport Promotion Organizations), Riccardo Viola (Representative of Regional Committees), and Ugo Claudio Matteoli (Sport Fishing).

3) F.S.N.-D.S.A.-E.P.S activities: the Council unanimously approved the following resolutions: integration of appointment of the Warranty Board (through the names of Giuseppe Albenzio, Alessandro Di Majo, Patrizia Ferrari, Angelo Piazza e Alfonso Picone), integration of standards of the Sports Justice Code and the Special Procedures Regulations on art.62bis of the Sports Justice Code and UEFA Licenses Arbitration Body Regulations. Having nothing else to discuss, the meeting was concluded at 16:20.

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