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“EduCare Sport”, champions look to the future

20160513 114304EduCare Sport has landed at the ‘Internazionali BNL d’Italia’ event: hosted at the Foro Italico in Rome, special leg of the tour of meetings that BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, in partnership with CONI, it is dedicated to athletes reaching the end of their careers to accompany their professional and entrepreneurial projects and help them make economic and financial choices in a mindful and sustainable manner. In recent months, BNL and CONI have brought EduCare Sport in various Italian cities from Milan to Bologna, from Treviso to Formia: training workshops were held with athletes, former athletes and sports men and women, among which great champions who have won Olympic, World, European and National titles.


The event in Rome was held to take stock of this initiative, which has been particularly appreciated: in addition to the champions, in fact, EduCare Sport has involved mainly professional athletes, active and not, between the ages of 25 and 40, as well as athletes for which “retirement” is reached at an older age, as well as of sports in which the peak of professionalism is concentrated in adolescence. Great attention was shown also by the managements of the sports clubs and teams, now 40 and 50-year-old former athletes who have personally experienced the difficulties in choosing their post-career paths.


EduCare Sport is inserted within the BNL-CONI partnership, which includes the development of activities and projects aimed at supporting sports at various levels, at supporting entrepreneurial ideas and further spreading the sports culture, that contributes not only to the physical and mental wellbeing of individuals but, through this, also the development of a more mindful and caring society .


BNL and CONI have been collaborating for more than 70 years, during which they have shared epochal events such: the Rome Olympics in 1960, “Italia ‘90” Football World Championship; Nagano Winter Olympics in 1998; the “BNL Cerchi e Stelle” project, that led to the qualification of five Italian athletes (Erica Alfridi, Deborah Gelisio, Josefa Idem, Ylenia Scapin e Alessandra Sensini) in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Lastly, BNL is the partner of 44 Sports Federations and the Bank of the Italian Paralympics Committee and of the main Federation associated to it.

Guests of honour were Alessandra Sensini, Andrea Lucchetta and Flavia Pennetta, who spoke of their experience as champions and of their future projects.

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