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National Council Statement


malagThe 258th National Council of CONI met this afternoon at 16.30 in the Salone d’Onore of Foro Italico.

The following Agenda was discussed:


1) Approval of the minutes of the meeting of 12 March 2017: unanimously approved.


2) Statement by the President: Mr Malagò started the meeting by remembering the people in the sporting world who had passed away in the last month and highlighted the significant results achieved by Italian athletes in the same period. The President then discussed the subject of the 2026 Winter Games, reconstructing the dynamics that led CONI - in the last few weeks - to submit the applications of Milan/Turin/Cortina for the dialogue phase with the CIO.

Malagò reminded those present that every conversation is premature considering the fact that a Government has not been formed. Then the principal changes were presented connected to the fundamental principles of the Federal Articles of Association brought up for discussion and those anticipated by the integration of the Codice di Giustizia Sportiva (Sports Justice Code). The subject relative to the growing request for recognition by various disciplines was also discussed, hoping for international regulation of the overall picture.

Then the developments of “Sports and Suburbs” was discussed, and the now imminent Mediterranean Games scheduled for Tarragona at the end June. Focus was then shifted to Tokyo 2020, for the logistics discussions connected to the last phase of the preparation of the team and the selections relative to Casa Italia. The date of 3 June was then made official for the celebrations of the annual National Day of Sports, which will be combined with the subject of the environment. 

Regarding the report and the other subjects of a general nature, following the summary of Massimo Proto and Francesco Soro on the technical aspects of the regulatory changes, the following spoke: Giorgio Scarso (Fencing), Michele Maffei (Representative Meritorious Sports Associations), Andrea Mancino (Sports Promotion Associations), Claudio Matteoli (Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities), Vincenzo Iaconianni (Speed Boat Racing), Sabatino Aracu (Roller Sports), Michele Barbone (Sport Dance), Alfio Giomi (Athletics), Luciano Buonfiglio (Canoe), Ugo Salines (Sports Promotion Associations), Raffaella Masciadri (Athletes Commission), Orazio Arancio (Commission of Technicians).


3) F.S.N .- D.S.A. - E.P.S. activities: The following resolutions were unanimously approved: 1) New fundamental principles of the articles of association of the FSN and DSA 2) Approval of the changes to the Sports Justice Code, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 4, letter B of the CONI Articles of Association 3) Change to Article 11 of the Organization and Operating Regulation of the Sports Power of Attorney, pursuant to Art. 12 ter of the CONI Articles of Association. As there was no other business, the meeting came to an end at 18.35.

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