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National Council press release, ok to the Rome 2024 candidature

casa delle armi buonaThe 237th CONI National Council met this afternoon, at 15:00, at the Casa delle Armi building in the Foro Italico, to discuss the following agenda:

1) Approval of the minutes of 28 October 2014: the minutes were approved unanimously.

2) Message from the President: Malagò opened proceedings by awarding with the Stella D’Oro al Merito Sportivo (Italian award for sporting merit) the Presidents of Associated Sports Discipline, Leoluca Orlando (FIDAF- Italian Federation of American Football), Danilo Barmaz (Rafting), Sergio Bellini (Bowling), Dino Berti (Traditional Games and Sports), Enrico Costa (Handball), Vincenzo Drago (Wushu Kung Fu), Franco Ferraresi (Twirling), Mauro Gazzerro (Sport Orientation), Donato Milano (Kickboxing), Gavino Mura (Sports Shooting), Renzo Tondo (Draughts), the Stella D'Argento to CUSI (University Centre of Italian Sport), Lorenzo Lentini, to the memory of Lilli Coiana, Cirano Tondi (CONI Delegate in Switzerland). The memory of the people linked to the world of sport who have passed in the last two months was then honoured, with a special thought for Virna Lisi - who died on this day - and the remarkable results achieved by the Italian athletes in the same period were subsequently listed.

Malagò then returned to the announcement of the candidature of Rome for the Olympic Games in 2024, stressing the need to be a "team". It was recalled how President Bach of the IOC has fulfilled the promises, because now the candidature process has different characteristics compared to the past. This does not mean having unrestricted freedom: the extra-territorial nature does not mean that we can organise the event in all the cities of Italy, because this would mean removing the strength of the candidacy, thereby threatening to undermine the efforts made. The geographical realities and logistics of our country need to be considered, but it was pointed out with pride that Italy has taken to the field before the USA. The Italian Prime Minister Renzi, with regards to the dynamics of the candidacy, has spoken of areas included within a circumscribed radius: Sardinia is one hypothesis, as the place for sailing, for example, at the Beijing Games was a two-hour flight from the capital city of China. Gratitude was expressed towards those who would like this dream to materialise. Malagò ruled out that he might lead the organising committee, but he will find a way to support the action of those who will be responsible for this task. It will be a totally different candidature from the past: there will be room for the young, with assessments and objective, innovative choices. Space will be given to new elements, thanks to a relentlessly transparent process. The candidature will be handled, this is the hope, mostly with private money to avoid complaints of excessive use of public money. The President then revealed that he had sat with Raffaele Cantone, the current President of the ANAC (Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority), inviting him to immediately join the Committee, getting an affirmative response although still directly involved with the EXPO project until October.

The Council was then urged to take note of the important signal given by the level of funding obtained from the government but with the knowledge, for the future, of having to start from scratch, with assurances, even with the hope of getting greater resources, without taking anything for granted. Malagò also returned to the extensive guarantees received, always from the government, on the resolution of the problems of the Federations for inclusion in the ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics) list. The award ceremony has been held, a moment of extraordinary excitement, in order to give deserved recognition to those who obtained significant results, and sympathy was expressed to the Jesi Fencing Club for the act of vandalism that struck the gym right after receiving the honour. The CONI Trophy created a real buzz, with the Regions ready to contend for the award in the second edition of the event. The new regulation of the sports promotion bodies was approved, and hope was expressed that this will smooth out relationships between the various situations, avoiding litigation. The President then recalled the extension of the compulsory administrations of the FISE (Italian Federation of Equestrian Sports) and of the Hockey Federation. Three changes to dates relating to the schedule of public meetings already established were then communicated: in February the Board will be held in the CIP (Italian Paralympic Committee), in July Board and Council will meet instead at the EXPO in Milan. Malagò then renewed the invitation to the entire Council prior to the Holy Mass of the Athletes tomorrow, which will be exceptionally officiated by Cardinal Ravasi in St Peter's, with the greeting of Pope Francis to the entire movement. 

In the President's report the following people have intervened: Alfio Giomi (Athletics), Vincenzo Manco (EPS Representative), Maurizio Casasco (Sports Doctors), Giovanni Petrucci (FIP - Italian Basketball Federation), Massimo Achini, Giorgio Musacchia and Ugo Salines (EPS Representatives).

3) F.S.N.-D.S.A.-E.P.S Activity: The Council unanimously approved the candidature of Rome in the Olympic Games in 2024, adopting a similar line of action for the other following resolutions: Extension of compulsory administrations of the FISE (with just the abstention of Gianfranco Ravà), extension of compulsory administrations of the Italian Hockey Federation (with just the abstention of Ugo Claudio Matteoli) and new regulations for the allocation of sports awards. Having nothing else to discuss, the meeting was concluded at 16:40.

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