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CONI’s National Council has unanimously decided to put forward a bid of an italian City


malagoconsiglioluglio2018CONI’s National Council:
- following the press release from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of 6 July 2018 acknowledging the willingness of the municipalities of Cortina, Milan and Turin to put forward their nomination to host the 2026 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games and expressing the support of the government to the Italian candidature, the proposal for which falls within the competence of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee), subject to every possible attempt to find shared solutions relating to, as a priority, the containment of overall costs and the enhancement of the event’s cost/benefit ratio, also taking into account the sustainability of the project at social and environmental level, and of the legacy of the Games for the town, the country and future generations;
- having received and reviewed the feasibility studies submitted by the deadline of 3 July 2018;
- believing that the Olympic and Paralympic Games represent a great opportunity for bringing the Country together and that they must receive the united support of all local and national institutions;
- considering that in pursuant of art. 27 paragraph 4 of the Olympic Charter of the International Olympic Committee, the NOC has the exclusively authority to select and designate the City which may apply to organize the Olympic Games in its territory;
- following the proposal of CONI’s Executive Board made today;

has resolved

to put forward to the IOC the nomination of one Italian City for the 2026 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The name of the City will be decided at the next meeting of the National Council, after a specific Evaluation Committee, named by the National Board (see below the composition) has examined in detail the three feasibility studies and drawn up a report in accordance with the following guidelines:

1) General overview of the strategic reasons for the City to be put forward;
2) The international appeal of the City also in relation to the possible competition from other bidding cities;
3) Containment of costs and enhancement of cost/benefit ratio;
4) The full and unconditional support of the City Councils in question;
5) The political support offered by the Regions and/or Provinces involved;
6) The soundness of the project also in reference to the quality of the experience proposed for athletes and the initiatives to involve residents and the public in the event;
7) The sustainability of the project at economic, financial, social and environmental levels
8) The considerations of the legacy of the Games for the City, future generations, the Country and the Olympic movement;
9) The respect of international regulations and of the standards required by the International Olympic Committee, in particular the principles included in the Host City Contract sent by the IOC and CONI to the City;
10) Sustainable mobility systems, compatible with the project;
11) The adequacy of the energy, IT and telecommunication systems in place in the territory;
12) The possibility of synergies between different locations, always from a point of view of putting forward to the International Olympic Committee a credible and innovative project;
13) Lastly, on the basis of the previous considerations, the identification of a solution with the best guarantees of success for Italy.

The Commission will be coordinated by CONI’s General Secretary, Carlo Mornati, and will include:


Franco Chimenti CONI’s Deputy Vice President
Alessandra Sensini CONI’ Vice President
Flavio Roda President of the Italian Ski Federation and International Ski
Federation Executive Board Member
Andrea Gios President of Italian Ice Sports Federation
Valentina Marchei CONI’s Athlete Commission representative
Jacopo Luchini Paralympic Athlete representative
Franco Carraro IOC Member
Mario Pescante IOC Member
Ivo Ferriani IOC Member and President of the International Bobsleigh &
Skeleton Federation
Manuela Di Centa IOC Honorary Member and twice Olympic Gold Medal in
Ottavio Cinquanta IOC Honorary Member and former President of the
International Skating Union


Rome, July 10th 2018

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