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Laws and Statute

Amendments to CONI reorganisation Legislative Decree

Legislative Decree no. 15 of 8 January 2004: “Amendments and supplements to legislative decree no. 242 of 23 July 1999”, providing for “Reorganisation of the Italian National Olympic Committee - CONI, pursuant to art. 1 of law no. 137 of 6 July 2002”, published in the Official Journal, issue no. 21 of 27 January 2004.

The Legislative Decree

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Legislative Decree no. 138 of 8 July 2002, Omnibus

Referenced with the conversion law no. 178 of 8 August 2002 (articles 4 and 8) providing: "Urgent interventions in fiscal issues and issues concerning privatisations, pharmaceutical expenditure control and support of the economy in disadvantaged areas” (Suppl. ord. No. 168/L, Official Journal, Gen. Series no. 187, of 10/8/2002) Extract

The Decree Law (italian version)

CONI Statute

Adopted by the National Council of 3 July 2012 and approved by Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on 17 September 2012

CONI Statute PDF document, 220 KB (italian version)

Controls of the Federations over the Professional Clubs

Controls of the Federations over the Professional Clubs (italian version)