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National Athlete’s Commission

The National Athletes’ Commission, established according to art. 31, paragraph §5 of the CONI Statute (pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 242 of 23 July 1999) and of art. 32, paragraph §1.3 of the IOC Olympic Charter, acts as a permanent advisory body for CONI.

Its function is to contribute to proliferate the Olympic ideal and to offer proposals, suggestions and opinions to the Olympic Committee’s bodies for the adoption of strategies and programmes with particular reference to issues concerning athletes.

The Commission is formed by one member of each Federal Commission and by three members of representatives of the Associated Disciplines.

The Management Committee and the Regional Trustees are bodies of the Commission. The Assembly of Federal Councillors elects its representatives at the CONI National Council (art. 6 and 34 of the CONI Statute). The Management Committee is made up of the representatives of the CONI National Counciland two athletes elected to the CONI National Board. Automatic Members are the Italians elected to the IOC International Athletes’ Commission and the EOC European Athletes' Commission, one representative of Sports for People with Disabilities and one representative of the Associated Disciplines. The Management Committee elects the President and Vice President internally.


  pdf Il regolamento (italian version)

The Management Committee

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Athlete Career Programme

CONI/ADECCO official and exclusive agreement

Athlete Career Programme was designed to promote the entry of athletes into the job market. Established in 2001 in response to an exclusive agreement between CONI and Adecco Italia, its objective is to provide athletes with completely free guidance and orientation into the job market.

We enhance the path towards employment of former high level athletes through three main training methods:


From 2001 to date, about 700 Athletes have attended, of which 548 have successfully found a position.

  pdf Programma di Carriera per Atleti (italian version)

  pdf Scheda di adesione (italian version)